A year on from receiving the Bronze award by FORS the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme, MAC Group are proud to have now been awarded Silver.

Silver accreditation is awarded to operators who maintain their Bronze accreditation and are able to demonstrate that all driver licence and endorsements are verified through a service that directly accesses the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) data. All their vehicles over 3.5 tonnes are equipped with a left turn audible warning system and are fitted with blind spot minimisation devices.
MAC Operations Director Carl Smith said that the safety of all our drivers and other road users is a top priority and we’re committed to achieving Silver accreditation for the whole fleet.

Shown above is another group of our drivers is undertaking SUD (Safe Urban Driving) training. Organised for us by IMG (Influential Management Group), SUD is essential training for all commercial drivers operating HGVs regularly in the urban environment and where there are high volumes of vulnerable road users, such as cyclists and pedestrians.
SUD training is part classroom theory and part on-cycle training. The training is Driver CPC accredited and makes up part of our ongoing commitment to safety and to maintain out FORS Silver Capacity award.